About Us
My name is Joniece, and I am the founder and owner of the Wander From the Known Boutique.
Through many different paths and hobbies, I have found my way back to what I've known to love my whole life, fashion. I can't remember a time when I didn't love dressing up or styling pieces together. I think back to when I was 8 years old and I saved up money from my birthday to do some shopping. My parents took me to the mall, and I immediately walked into Claire's to find their 10/$10 deal and I was so excited! Jewelry was my thing back then. I collected unique, colorful pieces no one else wanted and thought they were beautiful. After seeing that deal, I found myself saving up more and more to get more jewelry. That was when I realized dressing up made me feel a certain type of way, and that feeling I began to fall in love with. It made me feel different and truly myself. As I grew older, there were times when I was afraid to wear a unique piece because of what others were going to think, but I found the strength to do it anyway. It was then that I realized how empowering it was to wear unique pieces and truly follow your gut. As I got older, it dawned on me that surely I'm not the only person that fashion empowers this way. Then it hit me...I can help people feel exactly what I felt and still feel to this day...
Today, I am excited to share with you all what I've loved about fashion and self-expression for all these years. Wander From the Known is exactly that. It is what I felt wearing those unique $1 jewelry pieces when I was a little girl. It is going out there and finding out who you are by doing things no one wants to do. Not just with what you wear, but also with what you want to do with this beautiful life.
I hope that Wander From the Known will create friendships you never thought would happen, encourages you to do the things you love, inspires you to try new things, and most importantly help you believe in yourself. It's not all about fashion but more so a community where you feel safe to be you and are not afraid to express yourself.
Now go out there, strut your stuff, and make those dreams come true!
xoxo, Joniece